MCA Motor Club Of America Review
If you are reading this Motor Club Of America review there is a good chance that you are looking for information on the Motor Club Of America scam or mca scam.
You’ve come to the right place because I’ll share with you exactly what MCA is all about and how you can position your self to be the successful if indeed you decide to join.
The only reason people think ” Is Motor Club Of America a Scam ” is because the automobile and driver benefits they offer sound to good to be true to some people.
The second reason people think there is a motor club of scam is because most people have never heard of the company so they are very skeptical.
The third reason is people think there is a MCA SCAM is because of the way that the business is marketed (thru word of mouth and friends and family).
The company company was founded in 1926 and has been around for 86 years. They specialize in emergency roadside assistance and operates within the United states and Canada.
On top of emergency roadside assistance benefits the company also offers discounts on prescription drugs, vision care, and dental. Members of MCA also receive up to $2,000 for attorney fees if they have to go to court for vehicular manslaughter, or negligent homicide because of a accident.
If you do decide that you want to take part in the referral program you will $80 for every person that you refer to the $40 member benefits package. The motor club of america compensation plan is pretty simple.
5-9 members per week = $82 per sale
10-14 members per week = $84 per sale
15-19 members per week = $86 per sale
20-29 members per week = $88 per sale
30+ members per week = $90 per sale
Just remember that it only cost $40 to become a Motor Club Of America Total Security Member which prepays the first two months of membership, and the cost is just $19.95 per month thereafter.
Don’t allow your self to fall into the trap of only trying to build the business by only talking to friends and family (prospecting). Most people start off like this and once they run out of people to talk to they usually quit the business. It’s okay to talk to your warm market to get you started but after that you must switch from prospecting mode to marketing mode. You must learn how to market.
As a matter of fact this is they key to not only building MCA Motor Club Of America but any direct sales or network marketing business. If you dont learn how to market the MCA opportunity it will be really hard to have continued success (if you have any success at all) after you run out of warm market prospects.
Besides most of your warm market will think that its a scam anyway because they’ve never heard of it just like you did. But if you learn how to properly market MCA on the internet you’ll be able to position the MCA product in front of those people that are looking for it and have them calling and emailing you instead of the other way around.
When you market the opportunity correctly you will start to generate leads. Leads equate to sales and of course sales means more money in your pockets.

You’ve come to the right place because I’ll share with you exactly what MCA is all about and how you can position your self to be the successful if indeed you decide to join.
MCA Motor Club Of America Review
Is there a MCA scam? Abosolutely not! Heres why…The only reason people think ” Is Motor Club Of America a Scam ” is because the automobile and driver benefits they offer sound to good to be true to some people.
The second reason people think there is a motor club of scam is because most people have never heard of the company so they are very skeptical.
The third reason is people think there is a MCA SCAM is because of the way that the business is marketed (thru word of mouth and friends and family).
Click Here To Learn How To Market Motor Club of America Online And Recruit 5 to 10 New Reps A Week All While Using The Internet (Unless You’re Already Recruiting Way More People Than You Can Handle)
MCA Motor Club Of America Review
Motor Club Of America Reviews are all over the internet. Some negative, some positive, some overly hyped, and some people just want you to buy a mca membership from them. Whatever the motive for all the mca review is it doesn’t matter just as long as you get the information you need.The company company was founded in 1926 and has been around for 86 years. They specialize in emergency roadside assistance and operates within the United states and Canada.
MCA Motor Club Of America Benefits
On top of emergency roadside assistance benefits the company also offers discounts on prescription drugs, vision care, and dental. Members of MCA also receive up to $2,000 for attorney fees if they have to go to court for vehicular manslaughter, or negligent homicide because of a accident.
Other MCA Benefits Include
- Emergency Road Service “ERS”
- 24 Hour Dispatch “ERS”
- Emergency Travel Expense
- Emergency Ambulance Expense
- Travel Itinerary Service
- $100 Traffic Court Defense
- Stolen Automobile Reward
- Personal Defense Fees
- Legal Fees
- Traffic Court Appearance Bond
- $10,000 Bail Bond
- MCA Compensation Plan
If you do decide that you want to take part in the referral program you will $80 for every person that you refer to the $40 member benefits package. The motor club of america compensation plan is pretty simple.
Click Here To Learn How To Market Motor Club of America Online And Recruit 5 to 10 New Reps A Week All While Using The Internet (Unless You’re Already Recruiting Way More People Than You Can Handle)
The MCA associate compensation plan is as follows:
1-4 members per week = $80 per sale5-9 members per week = $82 per sale
10-14 members per week = $84 per sale
15-19 members per week = $86 per sale
20-29 members per week = $88 per sale
30+ members per week = $90 per sale
Just remember that it only cost $40 to become a Motor Club Of America Total Security Member which prepays the first two months of membership, and the cost is just $19.95 per month thereafter.
Tips On How To Market Motor Club Of America
If you’re thinking about joining Motor Club Of America because you’ve finally been convinced that there is no MCA Scam…Don’t allow your self to fall into the trap of only trying to build the business by only talking to friends and family (prospecting). Most people start off like this and once they run out of people to talk to they usually quit the business. It’s okay to talk to your warm market to get you started but after that you must switch from prospecting mode to marketing mode. You must learn how to market.
As a matter of fact this is they key to not only building MCA Motor Club Of America but any direct sales or network marketing business. If you dont learn how to market the MCA opportunity it will be really hard to have continued success (if you have any success at all) after you run out of warm market prospects.
Besides most of your warm market will think that its a scam anyway because they’ve never heard of it just like you did. But if you learn how to properly market MCA on the internet you’ll be able to position the MCA product in front of those people that are looking for it and have them calling and emailing you instead of the other way around.
When you market the opportunity correctly you will start to generate leads. Leads equate to sales and of course sales means more money in your pockets.