1. Even when the economy is strong, many people need supplemental income the honest truth is...
most people live paycheck to paycheck. Most people aren't able to afford the nicer things in life on their primary source of income alone. Further, getting a pay raise from there primary job is much easier said then done. Starting a part time network marketing business is a LOW RISK and LOW COST way for the average Joe or Jane to supplement his or her primary source of income.
As a result there will ALWAYS be a need for network marketing.
2. The simple truth is... people are looking for freedom from their 9 to 5 job that they don't enjoy and they need cash flow to do that. Network marketing opportunities provide an opportunity that's just to tempting for most people to pass up.
3. People want more time to enjoy there lives. Network marketing offers this by allowing distributors to work from home and to create a residual source of income on there own time.
Read the next sentence it surprised me when I found this out... Money magazine conducted a nationwide poll and discovered that 64% of Americans said that if they had the choice between more money and more time, they would choose time.
Network Marketing promises complete time flexibility! Again... Network marketing opportunities are just to hard to pass up for many people. And this won't change anytime soon!
Network marketing works and It is here to stay!
My advice is to get started now and reap your just rewards.
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