Monday, February 16, 2009

Dealing With Financial Challenges

Many authors who write on spiritual aspects of finances, insist that it is necessary to believe in the unlimited universal abundance which is available to us. They make a point that such faith helps us to achieve the prosperity we seek. I also agree that the positive mindset is important. However, as humans we have a hard time to imagine and to comprehend that which is unlimited or infinite. And even when we try to think in these terms, we usually refer to more of the same stuff we have now, rather than different manifestations of energy and substance.

Last week we said that perfection is an illusion, but growth is the real thing. I would like to suggest to those who deal with financial challenges to expect steady improvement in their situation, and to do everything they can to make that happen. We need to avoid both unreasonable and exaggerated expectations and self-imposed limitations. As we keep our passions alive, stay open to new ideas, and move forward, we will discover a path to real greatness. We will know in our own experience that the universal abundance is truly unlimited!

What should we know to deal with financial challenges in our days, when many people lose their jobs, when the stock market and businesses suffer losses? Let me offer some advises. They aren’t some new revelations, yet sometimes we are so distracted by worries and concerns, that we forget about the common-sense wisdom.

No matter what are the current economical difficulties, they won’t last forever. All financial downturns are temporary – after a while, new growth will occur. Therefore, it would be good for us to look beyond the current situation.

What can we do personally, especially when it seems that some things are beyond our control? We can do the things which will give us additional power. If you are convinced that you are in a right kind of business and doing a right kind of job, keep on building your potential. Develop your skills and work with new ideas, even if you can’t successfully implement all of them now. When the due hour will come, you will be prepared to move on with a higher speed. So, take this situation as an opportunity to learn new strategies and to experiment with different approaches. When your routine is broken, let it stimulate your creative thinking. Perhaps, now you have an unique chance to do that which you’ve delayed for too long.

However, if you’ve become aware that you didn’t really like your work, you have a chance to change your career. It is a risk, but life itself is a risky business. We cannot have security to be our top priority, and to expect that it will bring us happiness and creative fulfillment. Life is too precious to waste on something you don’t like doing. Life is meant to be a daring adventure. Let the spirit of courage rise within you!

The second advise is to build relationships with others, displaying a generous and an open spirit. We hear a lot about networking in these days, but the problem with many people that they are looking for immediate benefits from their communication. But we need friends even more than we need customers and business partners. So, make new friends, reconnect with the old ones, and spend time with your family – with no strings attached.

When difficulties come, many people are tempted to become self-centered and even self-absorbed. But we need to break this pattern and to realize that “whatever we sow, we will also reap”. If we are open and generous in our relationships, the universe will bring to us those who are also open and generous. When we are willing to give and to help others, it boosts our self-esteem and delivers us from poverty mentality. We become better attuned to the flow of Life, so Life will continue to bring us its happy surprises.

"Get That Skrilla By Any Means"
Michael "Skrilla" Dunbar - Internet Traffic Controller
Author of "From A U.S. Marine To Internet Marketing Millionaire"
Click Here! Michael Dunbar's Blog
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!"

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