Sunday, February 21, 2010

Using the Law of attraction to Manifest a Miracle

Those familiar with the Law of Attraction know how straightforward the deliberate creation process is: like attracts like, so get in vibrational harmony with what you want, and let it in. Seems simple. Yet virtually everyone who practices it runs into hiccups.

Here are ten tips to manifest a miracle:

1. Focus on what you want - get crystal clear on what you want. Picture the end result you desire. Imagine it in as much detail as possible. Write about it, fantasize about it, talk about it.

2. Amp up the believability - the two factors in getting what we want depend on the wanting of it and the believing we can have it. Amp up the believability by reviewing all the reasons you believe you’ll get what you want.

3. Feel it now - find ways to introduce this desire to real life now. (Shop for the new suit for your dream job get a new pillow for your soon to be new partner.) Imagine in as much detail as feels good having this desire manifested in your life now.

4. Reveal limiting beliefs - look deep within to reveal limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from manifesting your desire. Just becoming aware of limiting beliefs helps reduce their power.

5. Know it’s yours - don’t wonder if you’ll ever get what you’re asking for know it is yours simply because you chose it. You are a master creator capable of being, doing, or having whatever you desire.

6. Listen to your intuition - pay attention to your hunches, gut feelings, and intuition. They will guide you to the manifesting of your miracle.

7. Take inspired action - follow up on those intuitive hits by taking inspired action. Do what feels good!

8. Feel good - be deliberate about maintaining a high vibration. That means taking steps to feel good, day in and day out.

9. Be persistent - don’t give up! You can have whatever you choose, so it’s just a matter of time until this miracle is yours.

10. Release your attachment - reduce resistance and increase allowing by releasing your attachment to the outcome. Go with the flow, knowing all unfolds perfectly.

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