The Empower Network is a fantastic way to get started on the internet! But you know what everybody is doing? Marketing it on the internet! What is the best thing to do in marketing to get results? Do what nobody else is doing! That’s why you should market the Empower Network offline!
The trend right now in marketing is to market yourself and your business on the internet – learning to build your brand as a leader, and generate an endless stream of leads and income. That’s great! Did you know that there are still oceans of people who are not online that would LOVE to start marketing online, but don’t know how?!
Here is a simple 3-Step process you can use to market the Empower Network Offline
1. Find networking groups in your area. You can use to find groups you’re interested in. Because ANYBODY can use the Empower Network, just about ANYBODY will be a lead for you. I would suggest staying away from groups that require you to pay a hefty annual fee to network. There are lots of free and low cost ones you can attend.
2. Connect with other business owners. This is where this technique will get good to you! Ask them about their business and what a good prospect looks like for them. AND THEN…
Ask how they are generating leads. Ask them if they ever considered marketing their business on the internet. Let them know that you can show them an easy cost-effective way to do it!
Sidenote: You will stand out for miles, because you’re not pitching your business. You’re helping others build theirs!
3. Follow up! At these networking events, most people are pushing their business cards out! Your job is to take all of them! They’ll want yours, too, so have them available. The truth is that most people that attend networking events NEVER call. You get to be the different one! Your call back can be: Hi Joe, this is ____. We met at [networking event]. We talked briefly about marketing your [insert business] online. You asked me to give you a call to discuss it further. [They are not going to remember whether they said that or not!]
Using this technique to market the Empower Network offline will put Attraction Marketing in full force for you. You will become the most popular person in the room, and word will spread fast! Make sure you’re a part of the Empower Network! If you’re not, click here Empower Network - Now Watch This ;) - Click Here!
To Your Success!
- Michael Dunbar
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