Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Set Up Your Own Profitable Adwords Campaign

Google AdWords aids millions of online business owners in making more money, by delivering more traffic to them, for a price. Getting started and setup with Google AdWords is very easy, but you really need to know how to craft a profit pulling ad for your AdWords campaigns if you want Google AdWords to be an effective marketing tool.

First, you need to determine what you want the visitor to do when they arrive at your site. Do you want them to make an immediate purchase? Or do you want to get them on your list, so that you can market to them over and over again in the future? Once you know what you want the AdWords ad to do, you will be able to write a better AdWords ad to get that to happen.

Most website owners will say ‘either or’ meaning that they would like to make a sale right away, but failing that, they want to get that visitor on their opt-in list, so that they can make a sale to them later.

Unfortunately, it really isn’t effective to use that ‘either or’ mentality when running Google AdWords campaigns.

You could, however, run two ad campaigns: one designed to make an immediate sale, and one designed to build an opt-in list. But your ads cannot be designed to do one or the other or both – not in one ad alone! Each ad needs to be crafted to result in one activity alone.

If the objective of the ad is to make an immediate sale, in your ad, state what your product is, and even how much it costs. This type of ad will get a lower number of clicks, but that is okay, because a higher percentage of those clicking will make a purchase – simply because they were already wanting or needing to make a purchase when they searched for your keywords.

On the other hand, if you want to build a list, you want to get people to your opt-in page. You do this by offering them something for free, such as an E-Book, information, a free report, a piece of software, an audio, a video, etc.

They see in your ad that you are offering something free at your site, and they click that ad, arrive on your opt-in page, and submit their first name and email address to get the freebie that they came for.

Note that this method will result in a huge volume of clicks, with much fewer sales being made immediately, and you will have to pay for all of those clicks!

For more information, visit PPC Guide PRO and Learn how to use the Google Pay Per Click system.

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